There was a Macroeconomic discourse that organised by Faculty Economic and Management on 17th of May 2017 which was yesterday at Dewan Kuliah 1. This discourse was compulsory attended by all the students who took the Macroeconomic course for this semester.
The title of the talk was "Future of Work'' by YM Tunku Alizakri Raja Muhammad Alia, Deputy CEO (Strategy) KWSP.
The proceedings began with a speech to welcome the guest by Dekan FEP, Prof Dr. Norman. Our special guest started his discourse by sharing his experience since he started working until now. Prior joining the EPF, Tunku Alizakri was the chief marketing officer and chief operating officer to The Iclif Leadershio and Governance Centre. He had also held the positions as director of strategic management of Bank Negara; director and head of group strategic and corporate affairs at DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd; and vice-president and head of group strategic planning at Malayan Banking Bhd.
According to the information of The Star newspaper, there was a statement said by EPF, ''Tunku Alizakri brings a broad experience of strategic planning, communications, human resources and marketing to the role.''
A holder of Masters of Business Administration from Cornel University and Bachelor of Laws from King's College, University of London, Tunku Alizakri had practised as an advocate and solicitor in the courts of Malaysia and is qualified as a Barrister (Lincoln's Inn) in the courts of England and Wales.
Besides that, there was a Q&A section for all the students who were concerned about their to ask Tunku Alizakri to increase their information and do the proper decision. I'm glad to attend this Macroeconomic discourse which could increase my knowledge and saw the special person who were succeed in his life.