
Monday, 22 May 2017

Tune Night 2017

New Tune Dance Crew
Yesternight was the celebration dinner after the event NTLP20 by New Tune which I shared before in previous post.
All the members who involved in this event were invited to attend to this dinner such as Seniors, Top Excos, Excos, Producers, Musicians, Dancers, Emcees, Ushers and AJK.

All the New Tune members

We not only had our dinner at there, we also had different section activities and games to fun together that conducted by Tune King and Tune Queen. We also have Karaoke section for those who wanted to perform and entertain all the audience. 

This was my FEP gang who had involved in NTLP20. All of us took part in different departments which were informal emcee, EXCO Logistic, EXCO Marketing, AJK Marketing and me as a Dancer.
5th of May 2017, NTLP20 was successfully over.
Hope to see you guys in NTLP21 of 2018.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

21 Years Old Birthday


I'm officially 21 years old start from today 21th of May, 2017.
I'm happy there were a group of friends who were willing brought me go to Loud Speaker at Cheras for celebrating my birthday. 
We had our brunch, singing and celebrate at there.

It just a small cake but full of meaning of them.
The moment stayed with them can't be replaced.
The moment I grew up and needed to be a mature adult.
Hi! The new me. 

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Volunteer in Sea Game 2017

            I feel proud that I'm one of the volunteer for Sea Game 2017. Today is the Programme Training for all the volunteer Kuala Lumpur 2017 at Dewan Gemilang UKM & Stadium Pusat Sukan UKM. 
            The Kuala Lumpur 2017 Volunteer Programme is a platform for Malaysians to take part and contribute to be successful organisation of the SEA Games and ASEAN Para Games, the biennial multi-sport events involving participants from the current 11 countries of the Southeast Asia region.

           Start from 7.30a.m. until 9.00a.m. is the time for registration and breakfast. The session start with Module 2: PEngenalan ASEAN dan Sukan SEA. The next module is Motivasi Sebagai Sukarelawan Berkesan. The Module 4 is Komunikasi Merentas Budaya dan Kemahiran Komunikasi Berkesan while the last module which is module 5 is Komunikasi dalam Situasi Mencabar. After all these module, we have our rest time by having our lunch.

After that, we have a session of allocating task to volunteer to make us clear about what a volunteer need to do during the activity. We have to carry on the simulation training after the explanation at Stadium Pusat Sukan UKM.

Friday, 19 May 2017

520: A Chinese Love Word and Number To Know

           Today is 5.20, May the 20th. It may seem like a normal day for you, but for others, especially in China, today is a very special day! It's a day of love. They celebrate love on this day! For the Chinese, today is like a Valentine's day. During this lovely day, couples go on a date or spend time together. For those who are single, it's a perfect time for them to be brave and show their love to their main crush!

           Talking about this special event, you may wonder why it occurs on this day and not another one in chinese. The answer is quite simple. It's all about the sounds. When yiu write May 20th in numbers, it's written 5.20. When you pronounce the numbers 5. 2. 0 in Chinese, 五二零 (wu er ling) they sound very close to the words 我爱你 (wo ai ni) . They don't sound exactly the same, but they sound quite similar. The Chinese love plays on homophonic words and numbers with hidden meanings.

           520 originally started as a slang word used by the Chinese online as a shortcut to say I Love You in Chinese, like ILY in English. It then came to be associated with the date May 20th (5.20), which therefore became a very romantic day!

Tomorrow is 520, hope you all have a nice day.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Jogging and Faint

I have one more hobby that I dislike before which is jogging. I start to run because of my friend who call Oppa (His nickname) who is encouraging me start to exercise with him and train myself to make body fit. This is my first experience to come stadium for jogging.
First few days, 5 rounds of stadium was my target to achieve it. I'm just a beginner and I started with low speed. Oppa kept motivate me and ran beside me to make sure I would not gave up easily. 

After few days of jogging, Oppa wanted me to improve my stamina by increasing the 5 rounds to 10 rounds. I'm shocked and I knew my body condition. I knew I will stop after 5th rounds of running. 
Never try never know. I tried to follow the speed of Oppa and follow behind him. Before finished the 5th rounds, I told myself to speed up and after ran this 100 meters, I let myself to rest awhile.
Unexpectedly, when I stopped running and stood at there, I felt my blood circulation was stopped function. I felt my body became weaker and my line of sight started became gloom. I fell into his arms and Oppa let me lie on the floor and put up my legs to make the blood circulation more smoothly.

I think that I felt faint because of anamie and low blood pressure. My friend who is Food Science student suggested me to avoid oily food and eat suitable amount of banana and chocolate daily which can provide energy to me. I will pay attention of my diet and continue to run to make myself become healtier.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Macroeconomic Discourse 2017

There was a Macroeconomic discourse that organised by Faculty Economic and Management on 17th of May 2017 which was yesterday at Dewan Kuliah 1. This discourse was compulsory attended by all the students who took the Macroeconomic course for this semester.
The title of the talk was "Future of Work'' by YM Tunku Alizakri Raja Muhammad Alia, Deputy CEO (Strategy) KWSP.

The proceedings began with a speech to welcome the guest by Dekan FEP, Prof Dr. Norman. Our special guest started his discourse by sharing his experience since he started working until now. Prior joining the EPF, Tunku Alizakri was the chief marketing officer and chief operating officer to The Iclif Leadershio and Governance Centre. He had also held the positions as director of strategic management of Bank Negara; director and head of group strategic and corporate affairs at DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd; and vice-president and head of group strategic planning at Malayan Banking Bhd.

According to the information of The Star newspaper, there was a statement said by EPF, ''Tunku Alizakri brings a broad experience of strategic planning, communications, human resources and marketing to the role.''
A holder of Masters of Business Administration from Cornel  University and Bachelor of Laws from King's College, University of London, Tunku Alizakri had practised as an advocate and solicitor in the courts of Malaysia and is qualified as a Barrister (Lincoln's Inn) in the courts of England and Wales.

Besides that, there was a Q&A section for all the students who were concerned about their to ask Tunku Alizakri to increase their information and do the proper decision. I'm glad to attend this Macroeconomic discourse which could increase my knowledge and saw the special person who were succeed in his life.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Life of Strays 2017

Spokesperson : Desmond Teoh from 8TV & NTV7 TV Host

           I had been attented to a programme this morning named Life of Strays 2017 at NEw Block, Faculty Science & Technology. It was the first University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) event that emphasis on strays issues. They were trying to show that humans, strays can cohabit and humans learn about their nature and manage their population. 

Life of strays aims to 
- raise awareness for managing strays and animal rights among students and public .
- remove misunderstanding, misconception and fear towards stray animals through education of animal body language, animal nature and psychology and the spread of diseases.
- create a platform to get information and involvement in animal rescue of NGO for students and public.
- to invoke the sense of responsibility for all members of the public, including pet owners, in the battle of animal rights in Malaysia society.

       There were various talks such as Animal Health & Nutrition by Dr Hasliza Abu Hassim and Dr Gayathri Thevi Selvarajah. The title of the talk was 'What should you know about health care for your pet cat or dog? Promoting Responsible Ownership'.
      The second talk is about Dog Nature 101: The Basics bt Dave Teoh who is Dog Trainer & Behaviourist Founder of Knine Professional Dog Services. He teached us that dogs are not necessarily nuisance, unpredictable and dangerous. He also talked about the basics of dog's nature, body language and avoiding aggression.
      The third programme was a forum that talked about Animal Rights, Abuse and Rescue by Dr Saravanakumar Supramanium from DVS and Mr Kelvin Cheach Kheng Tatt fromm SPCA. They discussed about animal rights in Malaysia, the reality of abuse and the need for the rescuing strays.
      The next talk was the Dog Training & Psycology Training by Stephanie Keong who will ne conducting a workshop for those that struggle to train their own dogs, show how to create a balanced and happy dogs.
          On top of talks, there also had a mini pet expo that I could learn more about pet products and companies.

Day Out with Oppa : Rep Off Challenge

            On the 13th of May, Optimum Nutrition organized Rep Off Challenge at One More Rep Gymnasium in Serdang. My oppa participated in this challenge so I went with him and his friend to give him support. It was open to everyone above the age of 15. There were two categories, one for male and one for female. The event started at 11am and ended around 7pm. We went there at 5pm and my oppa joined the last batch of participants in this challenge. 


              The participants needed to perform 3 different types of exercises which are called squats, bench press and deadlifts. Given one minute for each exercise, the participants needed to perform as many repetitions as possible of a fixed weight. The repetitions needed to be done with the correct form. The competition was tough for both categories. However, my oppa did pretty well. He received a T-shirt as a gift for participating.

             It was an interesting event as it promotes a healthy lifestyle among the people in the community. 
PS: He wants me to call him Oppa. Hahaha.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Panggung Bodhi 2017 < DEMONS >

Yesterday night, I had been attended to a small event but it's a meaningful lesson for everyone. 
Panggung Bodhi 2017 was a event that organised by UKM Buddhist Fellowship (UKMBF) on 10th of May 2017 at Dewan Sri Kayangan Danau UKM. The purpose to organised this event was to encourage students to put down their hatred bacause all the hatred was coming from the heart. Every human has both side attitude that one is dark and evil while another side is the good side.

These theme of this dance drama was the < Demons >  which was match up with Wesak Day Celebration. This was the first time that they try to delivered the message from Buddhist Stories by organising a dance drama which was built up by 3 short stories and each of the story had their own value and every value represented different types of human's attitude such as ‘greedy', 'angry' and 'silly'. 

Even though I'm a Christian, but I attended to this event not only went to support my friends who were actor and actress. I also learnt what the message that they tried to try tell us which are not only emphasize in Buddhism, but also in other religion. 'Greedy', 'angry' and 'silly' should keep away from everyone to make better life.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

20th New Tune Live Performance

Last Friday, 5th May 2017 was the 20th New Tune Live Performance (NTLP20) which was held at Dectar. The theme of this year is 'Music is what we need; what we crave'.
I'm so proud that one of the New Tune Dance Crews and had opportunity to perform on the stage in front of thousand of people.
I had involved in all the dance slots such as Bang Bang, Toy Soldier, Say You Won't Let Go and Can't Stop The Feelings. 
Actually, my favourite dance is Tango that I have never try before and it was my first time with my partner named Zia Wei. The cooperation between us was getting better and better even though we only had 2 weeks to practice. Thanks choreographer believed in me and chose me as the dancer of this song ' Tao' and thanks to my partner.
Besides that, there were 15 songs were performed with live band and all the songs were written and arranged by students of UKM.  
The wonderful night that I won't forget, the precious moment that I had been through with you guys, the hardcore moment during the practice, the thought that we won't give up easily.
Thanks all the dance crews and glad to know you all.
My first year uni life was bright because of you all.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Movie Review - GET OUT

Get Out is an indie thriller that came out recently. I had the privilege to watch it at the cinemas with some friends. It is a horror movie that touches the issues of racism in America. I found the movie to be very interesting as to how the plot developed. There were several foreshadows that gave the audience the idea of where the story is going but it's atill mysterious at the same time. The movie kept me at my toes the whole way.

The story talks about a mixed couple who was visiting the girlfriend's parents in her hometown. The guy was an African-American while the girlfriend is a Caucasian. The movie got eerie as soon as they started their journey back with weird events happening. Spoiler alert......
It turns out in the end that the girlfriend was actually a fraud. She is part of a syndicate that kidnaps people from the black community for the advantage of her people in her hometown. The girlfriend's father is a neurosurgeon that has mastered a brain transplant process. This surgery allows the transferring of human life from people who are aged or handicapped to healthier and genetically superior beings--the black folks.

The movie ends on a good note as the black boyfriend successfully escapes the syndicate. Ienjoyed the movie very much as it gave me food of thought and raised awareness on the racial stereotypes that should not be allowed to continue exist in our community.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Exploration Macroeconomic 2017

On 26th April 2017, i had been attented to programme Exploration Macroeconomic. For those who took macroeconomic in this sem were compulsory to attend to this programme because it carried 20 marks over 100 marks. 
Before 8.30am, all of us were reached to dewan kuliah on time and waiting for the open ceremony. First of all, Dr. Mohd Adib Ismail was giving us speech and briefing about the programme.
After that, all of the students are divided into groups into diffrent parts such as Ujian Bertulis, Pop Quiz Macroeconomic, Pantun 4 Kerat Macroeconomic, Jigsaw Puzzle Macroeconomic and Debate Macroeconomic. After all of this, we had our lunch and rest to wait for the next section.
We were having Warcry competition among 10 groups students and that was really fun during the competition.
Closing speech was spoke by Timbalan Dekan, Hal Ehwal Ehwal Pelajar, Akademik, Alumni & Antarabangsa. Awarding ceremony was carried on for those won the competition in different parts.
Finally, the programme finished in 4:15pm.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Public Lecture: Zero Poverty Through Job Creation

On 20th April 2017, there was second public lecture that attented by first year students who was taking Course Fundanmentals of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The title of the day was 'Zero Poverty Through Job Creation'.
The speaker of the day was Puan Nerfarini Daing who is the CEO of myHarapan. MyHarapan is a Youth Trust Foundation that non-partisan, not-fot-profit and non-governmental organization and supports youth projects by providing platforms and opportunities.

I have learnt a lot of things from this public lecture. I discussed the topic and done the project with my gang.